Add Customized Tools
Tools - Documentation

  Tools Setting Menu
You can configure Kplan to launch external programs without leaving Kplan.
To do so, go to the Tools|Configure Tools... menu:
Configure Tools...

Click on "Add"

Add new tool

You can now enter the title of your external application, the path to the application, and the working directory in which the application shall start. After closing these two windows, your program launcher is inserted in the "Tools" menu of Kplan, and you can easily launch your program from this menu.

External application

Champs Descriptions
Text Search all Notes containing given words
Satisfaction Search Notes with a given Satisfaction level
Realisation Search Notes with a given Realisation level
Importancy Search Notes with a given Importancy level
Emergency Search Notes with a given Emergency level
Cost Search Notes with a given associated cost
Date Search Notes at/between (a) given date(s)

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